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Dear Sirs.

I am writing this today to give my highest of praise to one of your Premium Repco Authorised Service Dealers, Mr Daryl Smith and his team at Repco Authorised Service in Renmark - Renmark Auto Service.

I came across Daryl under unfortunate circumstances during a recent road trip across Australia. After travelling for 3 Days from the Gold Coast I had a suspension sensor failure occur some 30 kilometres outside of Renmark. I limped my vehicle back to Renmark and straight into one of the most well-presented workshops I can say anywhere. Let alone this workshop is in regional South Australia.

The initial problem on my Range Rover TDV6 was simply a dislodged ride height sensor and Daryl and his team had resolved very quickly. Fortunately through diligence Daryl insisted on a road test even though the computer systems had reset and reported no faults. During this road test a further more sinister problem was identified, The High Pressure Fuel pump failed and fortunately again the foresight of Daryl immediately stopped the vehicle and had it towed back to the service centre. Had Daryl not insisted on road testing this problem would certainly occurred perhaps at night and perhaps on the Nullarbor plain. I am certain that this could have been a far more diabolical situation.

This all occurred early in the evening on Thursday 6th June. As it was around 6.00pm Daryl and his brother Chris could have parked the car and left it for Friday to inspect however this is not the way of this team. Both brothers stayed removing parts and testing, checking and re testing until after 8.00pm trying to eliminate possibility after possibility. Finally we decided that much greater inspection was required and left the vehicle for the day. I want to add that during this same afternoon the family had received very stressful personal news, I was only made aware of this after 8.00Pm this evening. I can say that they put others ahead of themselves when it would have been so understandable to be distracted by far more important personal matters.

During this work both Brothers kept me totally informed as to what had happened and what was happening theorising and researching via the internet on part numbers, reported failures and outcomes. Despite my disappointment of my vehicles failure I knew that I had stumbled upon the absolute best people and the best equipped service centre and was reassured no matter how difficult or involved Repco Authorised Service Renmark would find and fix this problem.

Daryl even took the enormous courtesy of driving me to Adelaide (250 Klms) on the Friday evening so I could catch a flight to Perth.

My Vehicle remained in Renmark for 4 weeks and I travelled back to collect it on Thursday 11th July. During this period Daryl kept me totally informed supplying photographs and information of the repairs and status. Daryl also spent considerable time in researching the best priced genuine parts not simply taking easy options of buying direct from Landrover. Daryl also compiled a highly comprehensive report which I am in Dialogue with Landrover about now, This report will hopeful assist in my case for compensation as this particular part was the cause of many recalls for the 2007-2009 TDV6 Range rover sport models. Interestingly enough not apparently my particular VIN Number however, Hmmm.

I requested your email contacts determined that this man and his team receive the highest of praise, Rarely do people go so far above and beyond the basics of service expected. I will forever sing the praises of Repco Authorised Service centre at Renmark as the most outstanding workshop and outstanding human beings.

My Company runs a fleet of 10 vehicles in Queensland and a further fleet of 3 in Perth. From my experience provided by your Renmark representative I can categorically say I will be looking to find our closest respective dealers to provide service ongoing for our vehicle’s.

Brad Dunne