No-one wants to be "that car" stuck on the side of the road with steam pouring from under the hood.
Don't blame hot weather for your car overheating, your engine gives off heat, a lot of heat, and it’s the radiator and cooling system that works hard to prevent your car, and you, from being damaged by all that heat. The coolant fluid placed in your system also prevents liquids from freezing and protects the system from rust and corrosion as well.
Do you notice puddles under your car? Does your temp gauge read hotter than normal? Is your car overheating? Then it is best to have your cooling system checked over by a professional.
We can service your radiator and cooling system properly. Our qualified mechanics will perform a proper radiator flush, using a cleansing solution to remove build up. Once the cooling system is clean, the solution is emptied and fresh coolant added, your car's cooling system will be running like a dream: A radiator flush might be just what your car needs to bring it back to peak performance.
Your log book will recommend intervals for when your radiator should be flushed. It is mostly suggested that you have your system flushed every two years or 40,000 km’s whichever comes first. However, the size of your engine, local seasons, the condition of your current coolant, and the total km's driven can all have an effect on how regular you'll need to replace the coolant in your radiator.
At Renmark Auto Service, we provide, at your request, a full 65 Point Vehicle Inspection Report for free as part of any minor, major or log book service on your vehicle. This includes checking the level and condition of coolant in your system and the written report will tell you if we feel a radiator flush, coolant replacement or any repairs are recommended to maintain the performance of your vehicle.
Given time rust and scale deposits accumulate and the whole system becomes congested and not as good at cooling and protecting your car. This build up of rust and debris can damage parts of your cooling system including your water pump, radiator, hoses and thermostat, affecting the lifespan of those parts and leading to expensive repairs or replacements in the future.
Websites and How-To's are around giving advice on how to flush a radiator yourself – Its not something we recommend. Today's vehicles can be complex and mistakes like incomplete flushing or changing the coolant in your vehicle without flushing can cause any deposits to move around more and cause blockages in your thermostat or radiator. It's wise have your systems checked regularly by a qualified mechanic, and properly flushed before being refilled with the right type of coolant, the system purged of any air pockets, and then the whole system checked over by an expert again to ensure full working order and to prevent any costly breakdowns in the future.
Radiator coolant is toxic and needs to be handled very carefully. It has a sweet smell which can be inviting to children and pets so proper storage is very important – having a trained technician handle this task for you means not handling or having dangerous chemicals around your house. Dangerous coolant also needs to be disposed of safely, professional workshops can have the coolant recycled or properly disposed of to save the environment.
Oil has a few important functions - so it's important that you understand why, and how, to check your oil on a regular basis.
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